The Edgewater by-laws and rules.
The Edgewater has documented by-laws and rules as outlined in the Condominium Act. The Rules are reviewed every three years by a committee struck by the board, comprising of owners. Many of the rules may appear strict and binding, however, they are developed to maintain and improve the parkland, buildings, and show growth in owners’ property investment. Copies of the rules are part of the package that a lawyer receives with the status certificate.

Rule Highlights
1 Pets
The Edgewater is a great place for a small pet (under 25 lbs/(11.3kg); please review the rules for details. All pets must be on a leash. Only 1 pet per unit.
2 Renovations
The Board of Directors and fellow owners encourage renovations to upgrade individual units at the Edgewater. If you wish to do any renovations, i.e., removing walls, electrical, plumbing etc. the Board of Directors must approve the
plan prior to you beginning the work. In most cases you will require a building permit and an engineer’s drawing to present to the Board for approval. The approval process is quick and will not delay your work being completed, but
you must have approval prior to starting the project. The Board is of course concerned for structural weakness or damage that renovations may cause. Please check with a Board member if you have any concerns before you begin any renovations
in your unit. A S98 may be required for renovations, which will be filed with your deed.
3 Attic
There can be absolutely no work done in the attics, without prior approval from the board. It is to be used for light storage only. The attic space is not part of your unit, but a common element-exclusive use.
4 Disposal of Garbage
The Edgewater believes in recycling and encourages all residents to participate in the City of Kawartha Lakes waste management system.
5 Air Conditioning Units
If you have a water cooled air conditioner in your unit, the water that it uses will be charged back directly to you in the Fall. This is not part of the common expenses. If a unit does not have an air conditioning unit, board approval
must be given to install a water cooled system only. There are no a/c units on patios.
6 Atrium/Mews
There can be nothing stored in the atriums, nor any temporary storage of items by entrance doors so the Edgewater may meet Fire & Safety regulations.
Copy of all bylaws and rules may be available to you at a small cost.
Contact us for a copy of the by-laws.